Burkina Faso: Name was changed from on 6 August 1984
Myanmar: Name was changed from Burma on 18 June 1989 By a letter of 4 January 1974, the Secretary-General was informed that Cameroon had changed its name to the United Republic of Cameroon

تعد المملكة من الدول المؤسسة لهيئة الأمم المتحدة عند انشائه حيث كانت تضم ٠٠٠٠٠٠٠٠٠ عضوا

On 24 October 2013, Cabo Verde requested that its name no longer be translated into different languages.

تعد المملكة من الدول المؤسسة لهيئة الأمم المتحدة عند انشائه حيث كانت تضم …. عضوا
Also referred to as Congo Republic of the
قارن بين الكيسيات والسهيم
Libya: Formerly recognised as the Libyan Arab Republic from 1969 after originally being admitted as Libya
تعد المملكه من الدول المؤسسه لهيئه الامم المتحده عند انشائه حيث كانت تضم....... عضو
Suriname: Name was changed from Surinam on 23 January 1978
Name was changed to Congo on 15 November 1971 after the Democratic Republic of the Congo changed its name to Zaire Name was changed again to on 6 April 1976, and back to Cambodia on 3 February 1990
Sri Lanka: Name was changed from on 22 May 1972 On 16 September 2011, the UN General Assembly awarded the UN seat to the , thereby restoring the original name of Libya

قائمة الدول الأعضاء في الأمم المتحدة

Withdrew from the UN on 20 January 1965.

تعد المملكة من الدول المؤسسة لهيئة الأمم المتحدة عند انشائه حيث كانت تضم ٠٠٠٠٠٠٠٠٠ عضوا
Gharib, Ali 20 December 2012
تنافر السلكان المتوازيان يعني أن اتجاه التيار الكهربائي المار فيهما
Central African Republic: By a letter of 20 December 1976, the Central African Republic advised that it had changed its name to the
تعد المملكة من الدول المؤسسة لهيئة الأمم المتحدة عند انشائه حيث كانت تضم
Saint Kitts and Nevis: Name was changed officially from Saint Christopher and Nevis on 26 November 1986; the UN, however, continued to use the former name throughout the year
Lao People's Democratic Republic: Name was changed from Laos on 2 December 1975 Name was changed from the Democratic Republic of the Congo to on 27 October 1971, and back to the Democratic Republic of the Congo on 17 May 1997
By notes verbales of 1 and 21 April 1977, the Libyan Arab Republic advised that it had changed its name to the Cambodia: Name was changed to the on 7 October 1970, and back to Cambodia on 30 April 1975

تعد المملكة العربية السعودية من الدول المؤسسة لهيئة الأمم المتحدة

Benin: Name was changed from on 1 December 1975.

تعد المملكه من الدول المؤسسه لهيئه الامم المتحده عند انشائه حيث كانت تضم ...... عضو
Name was changed back to the Central African Republic on 20 September 1979
تعد المملكة من الدول المؤسسة لهيئة الأمم المتحدة عند انشائه حيث كانت تضم …. عضوا
By a communication of 5 March 1981, Iran informed the Secretary-General that it should be referred to by its complete name of the Islamic Republic of Iran
تعد المملكة من الدول المؤسسة لهيئة الأمم المتحدة عند انشائه حيث كانت تضم ٠٠٠٠٠٠٠٠٠ عضوا
Kazakhstan: Spelling was changed from Kazakstan on 20 June 1997