However, lava flows by themselves cannot fully explain the gravitational variations, and uplift of the - interface is required as well The center of gravity of the Moon does not coincide exactly with its geometric center, but is displaced toward the Earth by about 2 kilometers
"The Mystery of Our Moon's Gravitational Bumps Solved? The huge expanse of mare basaltic volcanism associated with does not cause a positive gravity anomaly Mascons are in part due to the presence of dense that fill some of the impact basins

المحول تسارع الجاذبية [ج] <—> الثواني من 0 إلى 200 كم/س [s] • التسارع • الميكانيكا • حاسبة صغيرة • محولات الوحدات عبر الإنترنت

Based on gravitational models, it has been suggested that some mascons exist that do not show evidence for mare basaltic.

العلاقة بين السرعة المتجهة وتسارع الجاذبية الارضية يعطى بالعلاقة
تسارع الجاذبية على القمر: أأكثر أم أقل من تسارع الأرضية؟
"Recent gravity models as a result of the Lunar Prospector mission"

تسارع الجاذبية


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