This village was established in 1850 A and inhabited by the Arakeen tribes
It has schools for boys and girls up to the secondary level in addition to a mosque A voice of the political opposition in Egypt

يعقوب عبدالله: شهادتي مجروحة...

The village is surrounded by artificially irrigated agricultural lands that produce abundant goods such as cotton, corn, peanuts, wheat and livestock.

جريدة الجريدة الكويتية
Covering the other side of the story
ماذا قال عبدالله رشدي عن كثرة زيجات محمد حسين يعقوب ؟
The Newspaper of The Arabic Democratic Nasseri Party, Egypt
عبد الله يعقوب بشارة
The Newspaper of The Arabic Democratic Nasseri Party, Egypt
: : : : : : : : : : A voice of the political opposition in Egypt
: : : : : : : : : :

من هوالفنان يعقوب عبدالله ويكيبيديا

Covering the other side of the story.

من هوالفنان يعقوب عبدالله ويكيبيديا
جريدة الجريدة الكويتية
يعقوب عبدالله... في ذمة الله