citronella grass — Borneo, Java, Sumatra• The tea caused a recurrence of in one case Personalized content and ads include things like more relevant results and recommendations, a customized YouTube homepage, and ads that are tailored to your interests
Porto Rico 1: 27 1923• — , , Myanmar, Vietnam• Plantarum Minus Cognitarum Pugillus 2: 14• Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads• citratus is consumed as a tea for anxiety in Brazilian folk medicine, but a study in humans found no effect — Yunnan, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand• The New Encyclopedia of the Occult First ed : Lemon Grass

Indian Subcontinent, Myanmar, Thailand, Yunnan• Sprengel, Curt Kurt, Curtius Polycarp Joachim 1815. : Lemon Grass
Leite JR, Seabra Mde L, Maluf E, et al
احجز ليمون جراس ريتريت في ساتاهيب
— , New Guinea, Queensland• Google uses and data to:• Some species particularly are commonly cultivated as culinary and medicinal herbs because of their scent, resembling that of Citrus limon
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"Bioactive natural constituents from lemongrass tea and erythropoiesis boosting effects: potential use in prevention and treatment of anemia"
palmarosa — Indian Subcontinent, Myanmar, Vietnam• Lemongrass is used in this preparation and on its own in hoodoo to protect against evil, spiritually clean a house, and to bring good luck in love affairs East Indian lemon grass — Indian Subcontinent, Indochina• The genus Cymbopogon Sprengel Gramineae
citratus is more suitable for cooking Besides oil production, citronella grass is also used for culinary purposes, as a flavoring

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Blanco MM, Costa CA, Freire AO, Santos JG, Costa M March 2009.

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Forestville, California: Lucky Mojo Curio Company
— Myanmar, Thailand, central Africa• These species are used for the production of , which is used in soaps, as an especially mosquitoes and houseflies in insect sprays and candles, and in aromatherapy
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— islands of Indian Ocean• In , lemongrass is the primary ingredient of , one of the most popular oils used in