In the original challenge the size limit is defined as what Twitter still allows you to send if you paste your text in their textbox and press "update" On the right, Mona Lisa compressed down to 534 bytes using the method described here the bytes mentioned here refer to data bytes, therefore ignoring bits wasted by using Unicode characters : Edit : just replaced CJK text with the newest versions of the images
Possibly augmenting the challenge to upload three images which when recombined give you a full colour image while still maintaining a monochrome version in each separate image As some people correctly noticed this is different from what you could send as a SMS text message from your mobile

طريقة رفع فيديو على تويتر

The JPEG is 536 bytes and IMG2TWIT is 534 bytes.

🔊 تحميل فيديو من تويتر (Twitter video downloader )
note the original guidelines ruled out restricting the input to images already in the library - I'm not suggesting that
بحث وتنزيل فيديو سكس
This only works for the number value pairs, but it does save a couple of characters of data
Its time for a huge change in your trading! The running time is more or less the same as well as the image quality, but the tweets tend to be a bit smaller
Uses only Unicode's Private User Areas• Images have been scaled up to approximately the same size for easy comparison Pack the results into the UTF-16 characters• What is not explictily mentioned but what my personal rule was is that you should be able to select the tweeted message in your browser, copy it to the clipboard and paste it into a text input field of your decoder so it can display it
Down-sample the image gray-scale such that there were a total of 16 different shades• Posting a Monochrome or Greyscale image should improve the size of the image that can be encoded into that space since you don't care about colour

طريقة رفع فيديو على تويتر

Edit : here is how the compression method compares with JPEG.

🔊 تحميل فيديو من تويتر (Twitter video downloader )
苉 憗 揣 嶕 繠 剳 腏 篮 濕 茝 霮 墧 蒆 棌 杚 蓳 縳 樟 赒 肴 飗 噹 砃 燋 任 朓 峂 釰 靂 陴 貜 犟 掝 喗 讄 荛 砙 矺 敨 鷾 瓔 亨 髎 芟 氲 簵 鸬 嫤 鉸 俇激 躙 憮 鄴 甮 槺 骳 佛 愚 猪 駪 惾 嫥 綖 珏 矯 坼 堭 颽 箽 赭 飉 訥 偁 箝 窂 蹻 熛 漧 衆 橼 愀 航 玴 毡 裋 頢 羔 恺 墎 嬔 鑹 楄 瑥 鶼 呍 蕖 抲 鸝 秓苾 绒 酯 嵞 脔 婺 污 囉 酼 俵 菛 琪 棺 则 辩 曚 鸸 職 銛 蒝 礭 鱚 蟺 稿 纡 醾 陴 鳣 尥 蟀 惘 鋁 髚 忩 祤 脤 养 趯 沅 况 Even though not all images compress well, I'm surprised by the results and I really wonder what other methods exist that can compress an image to 250 bytes
طريقة رفع فيديو على تويتر
I'm still testing the run times, but they appear to be nominally improved; however, the image quality is still the same
سياسة الوسائط الحساسة
Encodes up to 17 bits per character; nearly three times more efficient than Base64• can be described as an optimizing general purpose lossy image codec