I couldn't care less if it outgrosses Raiders Kael, Pauline July 9, 2018
" gave the movie only 2 out of 4 stars, saying that the film is "headache inducing" and "never gives us a chance to breathe", and chiding the "'gross-out' gags Ryan, Mike December 8, 2020

قائمة شندلر (فيلم)

Like the TV series, some feature Indy around age 8, others age 16—18.

إصابة هاريسون فورد أثناء تصوير جزء جديد من
" felt the film was "too shapeless to be the fun that Raiders is, but shape may be beside the point
شاهدوا أول ظهور لـ هاريسون فورد في كواليس Indiana Jones 5
The project was stalled when hired Kaufman to write
Indiana Jones
'" Lucas, Spielberg, Katz, and Huyck were concerned how to keep the audience interest while explaining the Thuggee cult
"I didn't want to be associated with Temple of Doom," he reflected Indiana Jones and the Gold of Genghis Khan May 1985 —• Spielberg instead serves as a producer, along with Kennedy and Marshall
" Eight out of the nine at Elstree housed the filming of Temple of Doom from the original on January 6, 2017

إصابة هاريسون فورد خلال تصوير أحدث أجزاء “إنديانا جونز”

Lucas sent Huyck and Katz a 500-page transcript of their taped conversations to help them with the script.

إصابة بالكتف تمنع هاريسون فورد من استكمال تصوير إنديانا جونز 5
Elsa Schneider Colonel Vogel Kazim Herman J
Lucas decided to focus on the instead
قائمة شندلر (فيلم)
from the original on March 19, 2021