The album featured prominent artists including , , , , , , , and more | תל אביב: , תשס"א 2002, עמ' 12-9 |
The exceptions are Ruhot HaMa'arav רוחות המערב, "Western Winds" by Yonatan Gutfeld, Akhshav Kazot with music by , "HaSof shel HaSipur" and "Zahav Shahor" | Two more songs from this album have been released as singles: Otobiografia אוטוביוגרפיה, "Autobiography" and Akhshav Kazot עכשיו כזאת, "Now like This" |
שפירא שקד למנוע מינויים לא ראויים ועמל להביא לפקולטה סגל מרצים צעיר שזה עתה סיים דוקטורטים באוניברסיטאות יוקרתיות בעולם והאמון על שיטות מחקר חדשות במדעי החברה, כדוגמת בסוציולוגיה, בכלכלה, במדעי המדינה, ו ב.
It was produced by , a close friend and Miri Mesika's husband, a Rimon graduate who also produced both Miri Mesika's albums and Ohad Hitman's first album | Having yet about 70 songs unpublished, Aya Korem released her second album, Safa Zara שפה זרה, "Foreign Language" , on 28 February 2008 |
She also performed three of her songs for the Pizmon Hozer project, dedicated to the birthday of , a captured Israeli soldier, and organized by the NRG website operated by | Korem sings only the closing track of the album, Ish Tovea איש טובע, "Drowning man" |