Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 15 2 , 169—185• Psychotherapy and classification: Psychological, psychodynamic, and cognitive aspects , Introduction to Clinical Psychology
The Psychological Record, 55 3 , 377-400 Clinical Psychology Training: A History of Ideas and Practices Prior to 1946

علم النفس الاكلينيكي: تعريفه وبدايته وأهدافه والفرق بينه وبين الطب النفسي

American Psychologist, 14 9 , 601-604.

علم النفس الاكلينيكي (السريري )
Clinical psychology since 1917: Science, practice, and organization
علم النفس الإكلينيكي
Menninger, Roy and Nemiah, John
مبتعث للدراسات والاستشارات الاكاديمية
Critical issues in psychotherapy: translating new ideas into practice
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press American Psychologist, 61 8 , 774-788
Monitor on Psychology, 35 6 "Family Systems Therapy" in Gerald Corey ed

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A Brief History of Modern Psychology.

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New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education
علم النفس الاكلينيكي: تعريفه وبدايته وأهدافه والفرق بينه وبين الطب النفسي
Prescribing Psychologists and Patients' Medical Needs; Lessons From Clinical Psychiatry
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Norcross, John and Goldfried, Marvin
Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice Handbook of Psychological Assessment, 4th ed
Culture matters: Accounting for clients' backgrounds and values makes for better treatment American Psychologist, 55 1 , 5-14

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Individual Psychology, 53 4 , 476-482.

مجالات علم النفس الإكلينيكي ومؤسساته
Nature 461, 847 15 October 2009 doi:10
علم النفس الإكلينيكي: نشأته ومفهومه ومتطلباته
Psychopathology, 38 4 , 201• Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
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