70 Wimpole Street, London, 2008• "Intracranial electroencephalographic changes in deep anesthesia" "A definition of irreversible coma: report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Harvard Medical School to Examine the Definition of Brain Death"
"Recovery of Neuronal Function after Prolonged Cerebral Ischemia" ACS Surgery Online, Critical Care, April 2005

ما هو الموت الدماغي ويكيبيديا،

Hossmann KA, KA; Sato, K; et al.

الموت الدماغي: ما هو، وما هي أسبابه، وما هو مستقبل الموت الدماغي
Lewinter JR, JR; Carden, DL; Nowak, RM; Enriquez, E; Martin, GB; et al
ما هو الموت الدماغي ويكيبيديا،
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine
علامات الموت الدماغي
Popovic R, R; Liniger, R; Bickler, PE 2000
"Incidence and significance of gasping or agonal respirations in cardiac arrest patients" New York Academy of Sciences
The legal time of death is the date and time that doctors determine that all brain activity has ceased "General technical considerations of aneurysm surgery"

هل يموت الإنسان بموت الدّماغ؟!

"Suspended animation for delayed resuscitation".

مسألة الموت الدماغي وحكم سحب أجهزة التنفس
"Anesthetics and mild hypothermia similarly prevent hippocampal neuron death in an in vitro model of cerebral ischemia"
الموت الدماغي
Leonov Y, Y; Sterz, F; Safar, P; Radovsky, A; et al
الموت الدماغي: أبرز المعلومات
What is the legal time of death for a brain dead patient? Kim SU, SU; Warren, KG; Kalia, M; et al
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws "Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest"
Bellamy R, R; Safar, P; Tisherman, SA; Basford, R; Bruttig, SP; Capone, A; Dubick, MA; Ernster, L; Hattler Jr, BG; et al Unless the individual expressed contrary intent, a hospital must take measures to ensure the medical suitability of an individual at or near death while a procurement organization examines the patient for suitability as a donor

معلومات عن الموت الدماغي

J Roy Coll Physns of London 1995;29:381-2• "Tissue culture of adult human neurons".

الموت الدماغي.. الأسباب والأعراض والتشخيص
Chandra NC, NC; Tsitlik, JE; Halperin, HR; Guerci, AD; Weisfeldt, ML; et al
الموت الدماغي: أبرز المعلومات
"Medical and legal considerations of brain death"
ما هو الموت الدماغي ويكيبيديا،
Hazim J, HJ; Winnerkvist, A; Miller Cc, 3rd; Iliopoulos, DC; Reardon, MJ; Espada, R; Baldwin, JC 1998