One example to show how they do it is the use of personalization | הסדנא התקשתה לעמוד בלוח הזמנים ועד יוצרו שלוש מכוניות מטיפוס v1 בלבד |
For eCommerce, it may be the sale of the products, while for B2B, it may be the generation of qualified leads | To further improve the page, variation 1 was tested against variation 2, wherein variation 2 turned as the winner |
But it is their test result, based on their traffic, their hypothesis, and their goals | This is called Funnel Multipage testing |
לדגם זה נבחנו מנועים אחדים ולבסוף נבחר מקורר אוויר בעל ארבעה , המבצע עבודה ב | And to increase the testing velocity even more, all of Booking |
If you are testing without proper data, you might as well be gambling away your business.