Choose from more than 13K available products including fresh meats, chickens, fruits and more, set a delivery time and wait your doorbell to ring General Presidency for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque The Presidency provides services to visitors to enable them to perform religious rituals in a safe and pure environment
You can pay the way you want, as it accepts cash and credit cards Al Maqsad It helps visitors of Makkah to find their exact location inside the corridors of the Grand Mosque Almasjid Alharam and find out any place they want to go

رابط التقديم في وظائف الحج والعمرة 1442 haj gov sa جدارة

MRSOOL MRSOOL is the new experience in transporting goods.

وزارة الحج والعمرة ترصد مخالفات فيما يتعلق بالوجبات المقدمة للحجاج
This e-track system, and the contracts it contains, allows for transparency and monitorial capability to follow up the implementation and the extent of adherence of each party to its responsibilities under the supervision of MHU
وزارة الحج والعمرة تعلن رسمياً جرعة واحدة فقط للحاج «المحصّن المتعافي» من فيروس كورونا
Aftonii enables the user to find all answers from Mufti Muslim scholars
نتائج وزارة الحج والعمرة 1442
The E-track electronic system for the domestic pilgrims: It is a number of systems and data found at a developed e-portal that shows the various service programs offered by the companies and agencies of domestic pilgrims
Watani Watani is a mobile application that enables citizens, residents and visitors to evaluate public services, rate their satisfaction level, and contribute to the ongoing efforts focused on improving public services Al Mutawaf It includes many services that made it the favourite for pilgrims
Careem It is a car booking app that enables you to go anywhere Whenever you want anything from any store, MRSOOL will deliver it to your door

وزارة الحج والعمرة: لجنة ثلاثية بالمملكة للنظر في شكاوي الحجاج

As a result of the global pandemic of the Coronavirus, and in implementation of the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the Kingdom suspended the performance of Umrah in order to preserve the health of visitors of the Grand Mosque.

وزارة الحج والعمرة 1442 نتائج فرز الحج لحجاج الداخل
E-track electronic system for the external pilgrims
وزارة الحج والعمرة تدعو الخريجين والخريجات للتقدم على شغل (49) وظيفة إدارية
Translation sites in the Holy Mosque
وزارة الحج والعمرة تدعو الخريجين والخريجات للتقدم على شغل (49) وظيفة إدارية
The licensee shall pay all the amounts of money due to any other authority