Eyal N, Lipsitch M, Smith PG 31 March 2020 [The] WHO is working to ensure that all of them have the chance of being tested at the initial stage of development
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, US Department of Health and Human Services ; Roberts, Anjeanette; Hernandez, Hector J

لقاح كوفيد

Abedi M 23 March 2020.

ما الفرق بين فاعلية اللقاح الصيني والأمريكي ضد فيروس كورونا؟
"Development of SARS vaccines and therapeutics is still needed"
لقاح كوفيد
This estimate includes Phase 1 clinical trials of eight vaccine candidates, progression of up to six candidates through Phase 2 and 3 trials, completion of regulatory and quality requirements for at least three vaccines, and enhancing global manufacturing capacity for three vaccines
السلطنة تستقبل 100 ألف جرعة من اللقاح الصيني
; Alhajri, Farhoud; Osterhaus, Albert D
The Journal of Infectious Diseases Kertscher, Tom 23 January 2020
Roberts, Anjeanette; Thomas, William D gov, US National Library of Medicine

الحصول على لقاح كوفيد

Corey, Lawrence; Mascola, John R; Fauci, Anthony S; Collins, Francis S 2020-05-11.

مصر: اعتماد اللقاح الصيني والإعلان الرسمي خلال ساعات
Modjarrad, Kayvon; Roberts, Christine C
الإمارات تسمح باستخدام لقاح كورونا الصيني
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation
بوصفيحة : اللقاح الصيني من بين احسن اللقاحات التي ستمكن المغرب من الانتصار على الوباء
Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team
Riley Griffith, Jennifer Jacobs 2020-06-03 Ward D, McCormack S 22 May 2020
Gartner A, Roberts L 2020-05-03

لقاح كوفيد

; Moore, Deborah; Anderson, Barbara; et al.

مصر: اعتماد اللقاح الصيني والإعلان الرسمي خلال ساعات
Hesitancy towards a COVID-19 vaccine and prospects for herd immunity
لقاح كوفيد
The global nature of a pandemic means that any vaccine or medicine that is successfully developed will be needed immediately all over the world
مصر: اعتماد اللقاح الصيني والإعلان الرسمي خلال ساعات
Yuliya Talmazan, Keir Simmons, Laura Saravia 2020-05-18