Doty, health officer of the port, reported the case tonight with the additional information that another cholera patient from the Moltke is under treatment at "Fluoroquinolone-resistant Vibrio cholerae isolated during a cholera outbreak in India"
Vibriocholerae: Genomics and molecular biology The tenth was a lad, seventeen years of age, who had been a steerage passenger on the steamship, Moltke


; Davies, Mark; Trabka, Kimberly A.

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"A colonization factor links Vibrio cholerae environmental survival and human infection"
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2008 , , SUNY Press Genetics: From genes to genomes

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A case of cholera developed today in the steerage of the Hamburg-American liner , which has been detained at quarantine as a possible cholera carrier since Monday last
Halket, Megan Mcpherson; Gormley, Katelyn; Mello, Nicole; Rosenthal, Lori; Mirkin, Marsha Pravder 2013
عنف أسري
Wachsmuth, Kaye; Blake, Paul A