After the play is a success, Abbas experiences ennui over the spiritual and material resources to start a second He's a good writer, and won the Nobel Prize for literat This book was very short, as you can probably tell by the miniscule lenght of time between this and my last book review
In writing about his parents and the theatre company that brought them together, has Abbas revealed himself as a murderer And for a small book, this is no small task

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So, the WEDDING SONGS must be the narrations of the chapters by Tariq Ramadan the Actor, Karam Younis the prompter, Halima al-Kabsh the mother, and Abbas Karam Younis, whose playscript and life are the narrators' subject.

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This is one of the best Mahfouz books I've read
مسلسل افراح القبة
His physical absence is talked of by theatrical colleagues who wonder whether he will show up for the play's first performance
The Foreword gives the background of the title--the processions, songs, and dances that made up the weddings of the khedives former Egyptian rulers Written in the style of stream-of-consciousness, the short novel in four chapters explores the themes of good vs evil and art vs reality by presenting the narrative through the eyes Abbas Younis' play has finally been bought by the Al-Hilali theatre company and his life-long dream of becoming a playwright is about to come true
So, the WEDDING SONGS must be the narrations of the chapters by Tariq Ramadan the Actor, Karam Younis the prompter, Halima al-Kabsh the mother, and Abbas Karam Younis, whose playscript and life are the narrators' subject For one thing, it's much more compact and intense, without the dreaminess I remember from several places in the trilogy

أفراح القبة (رواية)

To view it, The Foreword gives the background of the title--the processions, songs, and dances that made up the weddings of the khedives former Egyptian rulers.

مسلسل أفراح القبة.. عملٌ كامل الأوصاف
I watched "The Fall," a movie by Tarsem Singh, two nights ago--and it offers a similar but much bleaker view of the goal and the role of the artist
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I'm glad I did, but I don't usually read this heavy of literature that takes more thinking and deciphering
أفراح القبة (مسلسل)
His technique of retelling essent After reading the Cairo trilogy I was anxious to try something else by Mahfouz