Note: Ibn Maalik has written all the Arabic Grammar in a thousand verses of poetry A subject of great interest
A day of national mourning From where do you come? Is this what you were thinking of? He wants to swim with us

تدريبات على حروف الجر

Where do you come from?.

حروف الجر الانجليزية ومعانيها و استخداماتها بالتفصيل
On account of the weather, the airplane postponed its flight
حروف الجر ومعانيها وامثلة عليها
He left the house in a hurry
حروف الجر كاملة
I have found what you were looking for? He appeared with an angry look
After finishing her work, Samar left home Prepositions are very important words in any language
He spoke during the meal She ran through the gate The cat is under the table

تمارين على حروف الجر العربية

With whom did you go to town? She likes going to the cinema with him.

حروف الجر : عدد حروف الجر، ماهي حروف الجر ، تعلق حروف الجر ، خصائص حروف الجر ، بالتفصيل و بأمثلة .
Who did you go to town with? Today, we are going to learn the Arabic prepositions and their meanings
حروف الجر : عدد حروف الجر، ماهي حروف الجر ، تعلق حروف الجر ، خصائص حروف الجر ، بالتفصيل و بأمثلة .
This is a matter to think over
شرح لـ 5 من أهم حروف الجر
A ladder is used for climbing up and down