On 17 September 2015 Bilal Sharaf al-Deen was covering an airstrike, when he was killed by a following airstrike It works to support the causes of the vulnerable and counter the falsification of the media of the arrogant powers
Seizure of Online Sites [ ] On June 22, 2021, United States law enforcement agencies seized a number of domains associated with al Masirah On 21 January 2016, the 17-year-old TV cameraman Hashem al-Hamran was mortally injured by an air-strike by the Saudi-led coalition in the city of Dahian Saada Governorate , when he was filming bombing raids for al-Masirah

تحجب حساب قناة الحوثية

On 4 January 2015 Al Masirah Journalist Khaled al-Washli was killed by an exploding bomb as he covered attempts to diffuse it.

تويتر توقف حسابات قنوات المسيرة
Nous ne garantissons pas leur exactitude et autres informations juridiques
تويتر تحجب حساب تلفزيون المسيرة التابع للحوثيين في اليمن
from the original on 10 February 2016
“تويتر” تحجب حساب تلفزيون “المسيرة” الناطق باسم جماعة الحوثي
from the original on 10 February 2016
After several months of being banned on Nile Sat, broadcast is now online on Nile Sat
International Federation of Journalists IFJ Nous recueillons chaines donnees provenant de diverses sources publiees sur Internet

تويتر تحجب حساب تلفزيون المسيرة التابع للحوثيين في اليمن

The TV channel is headquartered in ,.

“تويتر” تحجب حساب تلفزيون “المسيرة” الناطق باسم جماعة الحوثي
The main website is now back online at almasirah
On 8 October 2020, suspended the account of Al Masirah
“تويتر” تحجب حساب تلفزيون “المسيرة” الناطق باسم جماعة الحوثي
Killed journalists and media workers [ ] After the , Al Masirah lost a number of employees due to conflict