The tree is damaged by frost catappa has a red, edible fruit, when fully ripe tasting like an almond
It prefers moist, well-drained, sandy and loamy soils, but is adapted to a wide range of substrates, including saline and alkaline sands over limestone Julia Morton 1985 , , Economic Botany , Issue 2, Folder 39, Page 101-112

Riyadh Plants

Michelle Zitt, Cassie Rowe, Bobbi Henken, And Others 1-2016 , , Nutrition Research, Issue 1, Folder 36, Page 80-89.

العناية بأشجار اللوز (خدمة الأرض الري والتسميد)
Soriano Hernandez, Madrigal Perez, Galvan Salazar And Others 2015 , , Gynecologic and obstetric investigation, Issue 2, Folder 80, Page 89-92
متى تثمر شجرة اللوز البجلي — تتوزع ثمار شجرة اللوز في جميع جوانب
Nakama And Others 5-11-2007 , , Phytomedicine, Issue 11, Folder 14, Page 755-762
العناية بأشجار اللوز (خدمة الأرض الري والتسميد)
For a tidy appearance, the leaf and fruit litter need to be removed regularly
M Abbey, M Noakes, G Belling And Others 1-5-1994 , , The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Issue 5, Folder 59, Page 995-999 catappa is deciduous and loses its leaves twice each year; before falling, they turn dark red
Tolerant of periods of drought, it sheds leaves to withstand dry spells The large leaves are up to 25 cm long and 15 cm broad, ovoid, glossy dark green and leathery

جرير بن عبد الله البجلي

The yellowish, inconspicuous flowers with an unpleasant smell are produced on spikes.

فوائد اللوز الهندي
Chung Chen, Paul Milbury, Karen Lapsley And Others 1-6-2005 , , The journal of nutrition, Issue 6, Folder 135, Page 1366-1373
متى تثمر شجرة اللوز البجلي — تتوزع ثمار شجرة اللوز في جميع جوانب
In suitable environments, it flourishes with minimal maintenance
شجرة لوز حساوي او اللوز البجلي و تسمى بالانجليزية Indian Almond
Elmar Wienecke, Claudia Nolden 2016 , "], MMW Fortschritte der Medizin, Issue 6, Folder 158, Page 12-16