if a day has three videos, you should do all three In general, working out is just half the battle
If a video is listed twice, you should do it twice

Chloe Ting 28 يومًا التحدي: للياقة البدنية Freak People

Soon you'll realise you're much stronger and you'll soon progress and be able to follow along all the way.

Chloe Ting
Some of you may be at your optimal weight and there's only so much difference the scales will show
Chloe Ting 28 يومًا التحدي: للياقة البدنية Freak People
If you're looking for healthy meal options, I have tons of meal ideas and What I Eat videos that contain healthy recipes and are most importantly YUMMY as well
تحدى تينغ لنحت البطن في أسبوعين
While it's recommended you do these, they're not essential
Do not measure your progress based on the weights on your scales! Go at your own pace, it's totally fine and expected Healthy food can be tasty too! If it wasn't hard, you wouldn't get results
Feeling stronger, more confident and happier makes a huge difference in your everyday life and those are things people often forget about It's meant to be hard! What I would recommend is taking progress photos, same angle, start of the day, same time, do it once a week

لقد جربت تمزيق كلوي تينغ لمدة أسبوعين

If you're having trouble doing them, stick to the low impact versions until you get stronger.

لقد جربت تمزيق كلوي تينغ لمدة أسبوعين
It's not an accurate representation of your progress as there's muscle gain, water weight, and other factors to consider
لقد جربت تمزيق كلوي تينغ لمدة أسبوعين
Remember, these schedules are my recommended guide - please feel free to make changes as necessary to suit your needs
لقد جربت تمزيق كلوي تينغ لمدة أسبوعين
You are recommended to do ALL videos listed for each day