Late Proterozoic low-latitude global glaciation: the Snowball Earth "Earth's Inner Core Is Running a Tad Faster Than the Rest of the Planet"
Russia's Cosmonauts: Inside the Yuri Gagarin Training Center Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

معلومات عن كوكب الأرض

NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty.

لماذا كوكب الأرض مناسب للحياة
Geological Society, London, Special Publications
يحذر: رياح شمسية مؤثرة تصل كوكب الأرض غدًا
World Book Online Reference Center
كوكب الأرض: بعض الحقائق المذهلة التي سوف تذهلك حول كوكب الأرض
Life, the Science of Biology: The Science of Biology
Widmer, Ted 24 December 2018 "On the Generality of the Latitudinal Gradient"
Non-vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, Texas Memorial Museum Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac

تاريخ الأرض

Rogers, John James William 2004.

معلومات عن كوكب الأرض
"Origin of the Moon in a giant impact near the end of the Earth's formation"
يحذر: رياح شمسية مؤثرة تصل كوكب الأرض غدًا
"Group 29: Multi-axes symmetric, both soft and straight-lined, closed signs with crossing lines"
بحث عن كوكب الأرض
Proceedings National Academy of Science
Article From their perch on the space station, astronauts have spent 20 years sharing a story about Earth as they see it from above "Oceans and Continents: Similarities and Differences in the Mechanisms of Heat Loss"
"Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics: Toward an Integrated Physical and Chemical Theory" Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

لماذا كوكب الأرض مناسب للحياة

Australian Journal of Earth Sciences.

معلومات عن كوكب الأرض
Purves, William Kirkwood; Sadava, David; Orians, Gordon H
بحث عن كوكب الأرض
Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society of London
University of California, San Diego