from the original on 2 April 2017 According to Hassan, the name "Hespress" derives from the mythical Land of the , sometimes said to be located in modern Morocco, and the English word "
Business model [ ] Hespress derives its revenues from Morocco World News in Arabic

هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco

The company became profitable in 2011.

هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco
History [ ] Hespress was founded by Hassan Guennouni and his brother Amine, a computer scientist, in February 2007
هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco
In 2008, Hespress gained popularity when it hosted videos from Mounir Agueznay, a young activist who exposed corruption within police and security officers
The magazine ceased publication in July 2013, with 29 issues having been published in total
In January 2015, Hespress became the third most visited website in Morocco after Google and Facebook, surpassing YouTube from the original on 7 May 2015
from the original on 11 December 2020 Forbes Middle East in Arabic

هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco

As of 2015, Hespress is the most popular news website in the country.

However, the magazine proved unprofitable, with the investment costing 20 million
from the original on 5 March 2016
هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco
The magazine was headquartered in , and Fouad Madani served as its editor