This is achieved by the It was discovered in 1994 by the American mathematician
Perform a quantum Fourier transform International Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography

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However, much larger numbers have been factored by quantum computers using other algorithms, specifically.

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A reduction, which can be done on a classical computer, of the factoring problem to the problem of -finding
فريدريش شور
Physicists call this behavior a "" of states
ما معنى شور بالانجليزي؟
Published as Chapter 10 Quantum Computation of Sanjeev Arora, Boaz Barak, "Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach", Cambridge University Press, 2009,• 2007 , PDF , Physical Review Letters, 99 25 : 250505, : , :, :, :,• Biology of nails and nail disorders
It has also facilitated research on new cryptosystems that are secure from quantum computers, collectively called PDF from the original on 2017-04-20

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; Devabhaktuni, Srikrishna; Preskill, John 1996.

فريدريش شور
, 91 page postscript document, Caltech, Preskill, PH229
ظفر القدم الغارز في اللحم
Explanation of the algorithm [ ] The algorithm is composed of two parts
ميريام شور
, from Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach, Draft of a book: Dated January 2007, Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak, Princeton University