Tafsir Ringkas Kementrian Agama RI Demi malam apabila menutupi cahaya siang | Except to seek the Face of his Lord, the Most High |
But he who is greedy and thinks himself self-sufficient, and belies Al-Husna | Allah bersumpah dengan diri-Nya yang menciptakan laki-laki dan perempuan |
meaning, he spends his wealth in obedience of his Lord in order to purify himself, his wealth and whatever Allah has bestowed upon him of religion and worldly things.
Wahbah az-Zuhaili, pakar fiqih dan tafsir negeri Suriah 1-2 | The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, then came in with his jawbones trembling ラ whenever revelation came to him he shivered and said: モO Khawlah, cover me! When she tried to sweep under the bed, she felt something heavy |
Kemudian Allah bersumpuah dengan salah satu bentuk kekuasaan-Nya, yaitu menciptakan segala makhluk hidup yang ada di bumi berpasang-pasangan dan dengan perkembangbiakannya | The one who is called from them will not have any need |
Yakni menutupi makhluk dengan kegelapannya sehingga masing-masing makhluk dapat kembali ke tempatnya dan beristirahat dari kelelahan.