Chemistry of the Elements 2nd ed
"Sodium Synthesis in Hydrogen Burning Stars" Committee on Prudent Practices for Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Chemicals in Laboratories

معدن الصوديوم: تعرف على فوائده العديدة ومصادره المتنوعة

Cameron: Abundances of the elements in the solar system.

ما هو رمز عنصر الصوديوم
In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
رمز كربونات الصوديوم
Leung TH, Zhang LF, Wang J, Ning S, Knox SJ, Kim SK 2013
هيدروكسيد الصوديوم
In: Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie
The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry 33 3 : 187—91 Complications during root canal irrigation — literature review and case reports M
; Wiberg, Egon; Wiberg, Nils 1985 Bleach baths using Milton Sterilising Fluid for recurrent infected atopic eczema, K Pett, K Batta, C Vlachou, and G Nicholls• Three alkali metals: Potassium, sodium, and lithium"

رموز وتراكيب لويس Lewis Symbols and Structures

United States Environmental Protection Agency.

عدد التأكسد للصوديوم وبعض العناصر الاخرى
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
This Support Dossier deals with information on the environmental and human safety evaluation of hypochlorite, and on its benefits as a disinfecting, deodorising and stain removing agent
ما هو عنصر الصوديوم
"House cleaning with chlorine bleach and the risks of allergic and respiratory diseases in children"