Geiss, Klay Buckley and Randall S He has honorary degrees from , Pakistan and the University of Siena, Italy
4 July 2006 , pp

Magdi Yacoub

Jardine, Cassandra 17 November 2005.

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2011: for science and humanity
مجد نورمان بيو
In April 2007, it was reported that a British medical research team led by Yacoub had grown part of a human from
Magdi Yacoub
His honours and awards include the from the in 1988, a in the , the 's Ray C
Charities [ ] In 1995, Yacoub founded the charity Of Ahmed Sherif "Chain of Hope", through which he continued to operate on children, and through which the provision of heart surgery for correctable heart defects are made possible in areas without specialist cardiac surgery units , On This Day, BBC News, 6 December 1983 , retrieved 19 September 2014• His father was a surgeon, who later worked in
In 2006 he led a complex operation which required removing a transplant heart from a person whose own heart had recovered Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine: 28 — via Queen Mary, University of London

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The original heart had not been removed during transplant surgery nearly a decade earlier, in the hope it might recover.

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From 1986 to 2006, he held the position of Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the
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Harefield Hospital [ ] In 1973, he returned to England and became a consultant at , West London, a previous built during the consisting of numerous small houses with interconnected corridors
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Early surgical career [ ] Ross Procedure In 1964, he was appointed rotating surgical senior registrar to the , where he worked with cardiothoracic surgeon
Dunning, Joel 3 January 2012 Following retirement from the NHS , he continued to operate on children through his charity, Chain of Hope
From 1986 to 2006, he held the position of British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College Faculty of Medicine Arterial Switch [ ] Arterial switch operation In 1977, he devised a two-stage approach for an ASO in older people with with an intact IVS

Magdi Yacoub

Later, his application for a job at the was turned down.

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H Anyanwu, and others formed part of the team that performed the first open heart surgery in Nigeria in 1974
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Two years later, he performed a heart transplant on John McCafferty, who survived for more than 33 years, until 10 February 2016 and became recognised as the world's longest surviving heart transplant patient by the Guinness World Records in 2013, surpassing the previous Guinness World Record of 30 years, 11 months and 10 days set by an American man who died in 2009
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110, Issue 1 July 1995 , pp