The date is based on the oldest found to date in , and is thought to be the date of the formation of the first solid material in the collapsing nebula Ree; Thibault Lejeune; Sydney Barnes 2001
The mass of the Solar System excluding the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn can be determined by adding together all the calculated masses for its largest objects and using rough calculations for the masses of the Oort cloud estimated at roughly 3 Earth masses , the Kuiper Belt estimated at roughly 0 Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis First edition ed

مكونات النظام الشمسي

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society.

ما مكونات النظام الشمسي
نظام شمسي
" Nature Geoscience, in press, 2010
مم يتكون النظام الشمسي
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Journey from the Center of the Sun Levison, Martin J Duncan 1997
"A Geometric Determination of the Distance to the Galactic Center" and the Cassini Imaging Team July 18, 2007

بحث عن النظام الشمسي للصف السادس

, "", 2002 Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics , Volume 107, Issue A7, pp.

بحث عن النظام الشمسي للصف السادس
The Proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Volume I
ما مكونات النظام الشمسي
"The origin and evolution of the solar system"
تعرف على المجموعة الشمسية و مما يتكون النظام
The , the authoritative body regarding astronomical nomenclature, specifies Solar System