• Keto bread contains almonds, eggs and dairy products • To learn more about the nutritional values, we leave you with the following nutritional card
• Information on keto Danube bread• Low in carbs and high in fiber, protein and fat • It is produced by Celiac Natural Food Company of Bin Dawood Group Danube under license from Jana Al Ard Foodstuff Company

Calories in Danube Keto Bread

It comes in a high quality nylon coated package.

خبز رجيم الكيتو دايت 6 وصفات عيش كيتونية keto bread سهلة
Hala Bazaar
The size of the bread is 120 g and contains five slices, The size of each slice is 24 g
Hala Bazaar

خبز كيتو


فطور كيتو: طريفة تحضير خبز التوست الفرنسي للكيتو دايت
خبز رجيم الكيتو دايت 6 وصفات عيش كيتونية keto bread سهلة
خبز رجيم الكيتو دايت 6 وصفات عيش كيتونية keto bread سهلة