, retrieved 14 June 2007 In the recollections of his nephew Jean Richez, gathered by Wilkie in the 1970s! Van Gogh lodged in Wasmes, at 22 rue de Wilson, with Jean-Baptiste Denis, a breeder or grower 'cultivateur', in the French original according to Letter
For more information and source, see on this link : Letter , April 1879, and Letter

الرسام الهولندي ... فان جوخ

Callow, page 116, citing the work of Hulsker• To provide distinguished education and produce creative research that serves the community and contributes to building a knowledge economy, by creating a stimulating environment for learning and intellectual creativity, optimal employment of technology, and effective local and global partnerships• , page 72-78, Denis and his wife Esther were running a bakery, and Richez admits that the only source of his knowledge is Aunt Esther.

الرسام فان جوخ قتله الاكتئاب
Stranger on the earth: A psychological biography of Vincent van Gogh, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1972
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