O All ah make us in the Hashr Assembly with the righteous Muslims sidd iqs , and make us steadfast to their path and die while loving them One becomes a Muslim by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith referred to in Arabic as ash-Shah adat an and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy
He was thin built with a swollen forehead O people I am just a follower and not an innovator, so support me if I am good and put me back on the straight path if I deviate

ما إسم أبو بكر الصديق

Qays said: Ab u Bakr bought Bil al while he was buried under the rocks for five ounces of gold.

Abu Bakr as
He was born about three years after the Year of the Elephant, he was described as being a white man
Abu Bakr as
Mad inah was shaken with crying and people were astonished
أبو بكر الصديق بن أبي قحافة
He woke up and went to a monk to ask him about this dream
In addition to that he never drank alcohol neither in the state of ignorance J ahilyah nor in Isl am Ab u Bakr a s- Sidd iq got sick and died in 13AH at the age of 63
I swear by All ah that you were the first among the people to embrace Isl am Qays said: Ab u Bakr bought Bil al while he was buried under the rocks for five ounces of gold

أبو بكر (اسم)

He ordered the armies to prepare to fight the people of apostasy and those who withheld Zak ah.

تسمية المولود بـ أبي بكر
Ab u Bakr replied: I left for them the care of All ah and his Messenger
تسمية المولود بـ أبي بكر
Some tribes apostatized and some others refrained from paying Zak ah
ما إسم أبو بكر الصديق
Al-Muh ajir un those who migrated with the Prophet from Makkah to Mad inah followed him and the al-An sar those who supported al-Muh ajir un in Mad inah
Ab u Bakr then came back to us, touching his braided hair and saying: Glory to You the One Who deserves to be Exalted and not denied They mentioned also that when he embraced Isl am he had forty-thousand Dirhams, which he spent on supporting the Muslims and buying slaves to free them
On the following day all the people gave Ab u Bakr the allegiance Al-Muh ajir un those who migrated with the Prophet from Makkah to Mad inah followed him and the al-An sar those who supported al-Muh ajir un in Mad inah

أبو بكر بن أبي قحافة

He woke up and went to a monk to ask him about this dream.

معنى اسم ابو بكر
She was the cousin of Ab u Qu hafah
اسم أبو بكر الصديق ونشأته وصفاته وزوجاته وأبنائه وإسلامه وأعماله ووفاته
I said to Ab u Bakr: You will always be ahead of me
معني اسم ابوبكر وصفات من يحمله 2021
Mad inah was shaken with crying and people were astonished