Tell us something Our loved ones
Yes, we can Because WE are stronger than only a virus and nothing can stand in front of our happiness , and as we're not able to make a wedding party , but LOVE can't be just waiting and it's much more than just a "party" , we decided not to let anything keep us apart, and we're still GETTING MARRIED on the same date! It's all about you , our family , friends and closed ones , it's all about seeing the happiness in your eyes

امي حطمتني !!!


فوائد قول حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
Our happiness will never be complete without yours , and as we're not able to celebrate this day by being together ; we would like to hear from you
فوائد قول حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
اذا احد قالي الله يسعدك وش اقول , لله يسعدك شو ردها , الرد المفضل الله يسعدك

عبارات وكلام عن ابن الخال تويتر


الله يسعدك وينور دربك ويريح بالك ويكتب لك بكل خطواتك فرح وسعاده ، الله يسعدك سعاده تبكين من جمالها ، الله يكتب لك ايام بدون هم وزعل ، الله يكتب لك اصعب حاجه تتمنينها ، الله يسهل لك حياتك وكل حاجه بطريقك ، الله يحفظك ويسعدك ويهنيك ويريح بالك ويحفظك ويحمي قلبك..
امي حطمتني !!!
امي حطمتني !!!