Exempting small enterprises from paying the fees It can be accessed at any time and from everywhere
Leave work without notice : It is one of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development initiatives " Article 28 of the Basic Law of Governance "Work is a citizen's right, and it is not permissible for others to practice it except after fulfilling the conditions specified in the work system

الكشف عن قيمة المبالغ التي تصرف للباحثين عن عمل في النظام الجديد وشروط القبول

Behavioral infringement or abuse means all abusive practices by one party to another, including all forms of exploitation, threats, harassment, blackmail, temptation, quarrels, insults, humiliation, insinuation, or intentional solitude with the opposite sex, or any other forms of discrimination, whether physical, verbal, or otherwise, whether on the basis of sex, gender or otherwise, that aims, leads, or is likely to result in physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm to the other party.

هُنــا رابط التسجيل في اعانة الباحث عن عمل 1442 وخطوات التقديم على معونة الباحثين عن عمل حافز
Gender equality and combating discrimination in work and wages There is complete equality between men and women in the majority of areas related to human rights such as the right to work, education, health, economic rights and others
طريقة وكيفية التسجيل على رابط تقديم اعانة الباحث عن عمل حافز دعم العاطلين شروط صرف الإعانة
The Kingdom's Support for the Private Sector During the Corona Pandemic The Kingdom has taken several designed during the Corona pandemic to contain the private sector's financial and economic repercussions
عالم فلك لا يستبعد بداية عصر جليدي جديد
: An online platform for the labor market in the Kingdom that brings together job seekers with employers
The strategy is based on a vision represented in "providing adequate job opportunities in terms of numbers and wages that lead to full employment of Saudi human resources and creating a competitive advantage for the national economy Professional Certificates Support Program: The initiative was launched to motivate the national workforce and support job seekers to obtain professional certificates aligned with the current market needs
Protecting the Rights of Workers in the Kingdom Service Period Rights:• : it is a program for Saudi graduates from local and foreign universities to train them in government institutions and distinguished companies in the private sector : It is a program that contributes to advance business growth by supporting small to medium enterprises through several platforms

جامعة الملك خالد

Empowering women in the civil service and strengthening their leadership role.

Labor, Employment and Human Resource Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Calculating Saudi employment in NITAQAT immediately for all establishments
رابط تسجيل تقديم إعانة الباحث عن عمل صرف دعم العاطلين وحافز صعوبة الحصول على عمل
Retroactive hiring support since the beginning of July 1, 2019 and new hires
تنشيط حالة البحث عن عمل المركز الوطني
Here, you will come to learn about the labor laws and regulations in the Kingdom, employment in public and private sectors, how the Kingdom is supporting the private sector during the COVID-19 pandemic and the method of newly introduced remote working