The Arab Conquest Of Egypt 1902 p 199 Cambridge University Press, 2007• Now it happened that the Nyam-Nyams had never before seen a donkey, a camel, or a horse, and when the women espied this strange creature they were moved to excitement, thinking it to be a man of exceptionally fine physique : so too thought the Sultan, who was so 'enraged that he ordered the animal to be killed
Eraqi Klorman The Jews of Yemen in the Nineteenth Century: A Portrait of a Messianic Community p So we asked permission from the Sultan to trade in his country, and were given leave to do so in the land of the cannibals, the land where there are no graves

قال الامام على عن صحابى مصر

43 APA Publications, Oct 1, 1990• A Landscape of Pilgrimage and Trade in Wadi Masila, Yemen: The Case Ofal-Qisha and Qabr Hud in the Islamic Period.

مطعم الحصون الحاتمية جدة
Schofield Territorial foundations of the Gulf states p
تاريخ اليمن الإسلامي
Medieval Islamic Civilization: L-Z, index
كمال الجزولي: هل صحيح أن الزبير باشا كان تاجر رقيق؟!
Jacob,Kings of Arabia : the rise and set of the Turkish Sovereignty in the Arabian Peninsula p
Jane Hathaway A Tale of Two Factions: Myth, Memory, and Identity in Ottoman Egypt and Yemen• Lewcock, San'a'; An Arabian Islamic City Abd al-Samad al-Mawza'i Dukhul al-'Uthmdniyyin al-awwal 1986 p
My marriage with her exalted me in the eyes of the people of that country, so that my trade increased and I quickly collected a large store of ivory, rhinoceros horn, and other things Jane Hathaway A Tale of Two Factions: Myth, Memory, and Identity in Ottoman Egypt and Yemen p

حصون حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل لسيدي أبو الحسن الشاذلي

Farhad Daftary The Isma'ilis: Their History and Doctrines p.

التقويم التاريخي لأهم حوادث العالم الإسلامي (القرن الرابع)
Stookey, Yemen; The Politics of the Yemen Arab Republic Boulder 1978, p
تاريخ اليمن الإسلامي
Dieter Vogel, Susan James Yemen p
(مطعم حصون الحاتمية في جدة (السعر +المنيو +العنوان كافيهات جده
Scientists "proved" that blacks were less evolved-a subspecies of the human race