Commemorative Bank Note for 100th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, Rampant , retrieved 1 May 2009• Pierce, Andrew 13 May 2006 , "What Queen Mother really thought of Attlee's socialist 'heaven on earth'", The Times London , retrieved 1 May 2009• Picknett, Lynn; Prince, Clive; Prior, Stephen; Brydon, Robert 2002 , War of the Windsors: A Century of Unconstitutional Monarchy, Mainstream Publishing, p , London: Frederick Warne, p
Letters Patent, 22 October 1948; Hoey, pp 72; Charteris quoted in Pimlott, p

من يخلف الملكة إليزابيث؟

Wyatt, Woodrow 1998 , Curtis, Sarah, ed.

لن تصدق .. في هذه الوظائف يعمل أبناء العائلة المالكة البريطانية
Beaverbrook, Lord 1966 , Taylor, A
شاهد أول لقاء للأمير فيليب بالأميرة إليزابيث قبل 82 سنة
The London Gazette: Supplement no
إليزابيث الثانية
Dymond, Glenn 5 March 2010
ELIZABETH, QUEEN CONSORT, 1900—2002: A Mum for All Seasons: — TIME• Bates, Stephen 3 April 2002 , "Piper's farewell for Queen Mother", The Guardian, retrieved 1 May 2009• Lord Altrincham in National Review quoted by Brandreth, p "Princess Margaret: Marriage and family"
"50 facts about The Queen's Coronation" Harvey, Clive 25 October 2008 RMS "Queen Elizabeth": The Ultimate Ship, Carmania Press

إليزابيث الثانية

Airlie, Mabell 1962 , Thatched with Gold, London: Hutchinson, p.

أحفاد أبناء الملكة إليزابيث والأمير فيليب مش كلهم ملكيين..4أ...
Davies, Caroline 20 April 2006
شاهد أول لقاء للأمير فيليب بالأميرة إليزابيث قبل 82 سنة
Queen Mother attends memorial event, BBC, 8 November 2001, retrieved 15 September 2013• Queen Mother's 101st birthday, BBC, 4 August 2001, retrieved 28 August 2013• Letter from George VI to Winston Churchill in which the King says his family shared his view, quoted by Howarth, p
من يخلف الملكة إليزابيث؟
Moore, Lucy 31 March 2002 , "A wicked twinkle and a streak of steel", The Guardian, retrieved 1 May 2009• See Queen's Official Birthday for an explanation of why Elizabeth II's official birthdays are not on the same day as her actual one• 2004 , "George VI 1895—1952 ", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ,Oxford University Press• Queen Mother recovers after operation, BBC News, 25 January 1999, retrieved 8 August 2013• Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, The Royal Collection, retrieved 31 October 2009• Her godparents were: King George V and Queen Mary; Lord Strathmore; Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught her paternal great-granduncle ; Princess Mary, Viscountess Lascelles her paternal aunt ; and Lady Elphinstone her maternal aunt