Ernest Julius Wilczynski, Herbert Ellsworth Slaught 1914 "Ramanujan—100 years old fashioned or 100 years new fangled? The theorem that the hypotenuse of a right triangle is longer than either of its sides , so the derivation is not simply circular
The New England Journal of Education Jon Orwant; Jarkko Hietaniemi; John Macdonald 1999

قانون فيثاغورس


مبرهنة فيثاغورس
Boyer, A history of mathematics, page 108, 1991• "Theorem 1 and Theorem 2"
العالم فيثاغورس
Published in a weekly mathematics column: James A Garfield 1876
نظرية فيثاغورس خارج جدران المدرسة.. الاستخدامات العملية اليومية
: web page version using Java applets from by Prof
Philadelphia: Running Press Book Publishers , 10 3 , p
That fact is rigorously established by noting side CD of right triangle CDP must be less than c because it is necessarily less than the hypotenuse CP of CDP The proof by Pythagoras probably was not a general one, as the theory of proportions was developed only two centuries after Pythagoras; see , p

قانون فيثاغورس

However, that theorem in turn does require the , equivalent to Euclid's.

قضیه فیثاغورس
"The Pythagorean proposition: A proof by means of calculus"
قضیه فیثاغورس
Consequently, point D definitely is inside the circle of radius c
قضیه فیثاغورس
See for example Mike May S