In this recipe, the oven roasted eggplant have a nice buttery sweet flavors to add to the Eggah Using flat spatula, flip the frittata to the other side, and continue cooking
Cook for no longer than 1-2 minutes on low heat Serve with a fresh tomato and mint salad

باذنجان مشوي

The common ingredient is eggs.

كيفية عمل باذنجان مشوي
كيفية عمل باذنجان مشوي
A frittata is a flexible dish that appears in many cuisines
باذنجان مشوي مع جبنة البارميزان في 5 دقيقة
Not like any fancy alarmed clock, or any of the most modern communication tools
Pour over the eggplant mixture In Spain it is known as a tortilla, Eggah in the Middle East
Remove and set aside to cool Cook on medium heat until eggs just begin to set

طريقة عمل متبل باذنجان مشوي

Al-Mesaharati wandering in the alleys of the old town of Jerusalem.

كيفية عمل باذنجان مشوي
Served with chopped fresh tomato and watercress salad
باذنجان مشوي مع جبنة البارميزان في 5 دقيقة
Frittata with buttery sweet eggplant, the watercress is the right herb to complement the eggplant
طريقة عمل باذنجان مشوي بالأعشاب للرجيم
Also a perfect dish at the Suhur meal, a meal that resemble a breakfast eaten right before Fasting begin or a couple of hours before the sunrise