They don't know they're dead I hadn't seen BLAIR WITCH yet but I heard great reviews, and of course it was sold out when I went to see it
But I think that Haley Joel Osment stole the show I hope it wins many Oscars this year, and I recommend that you go out and buy this movie now

The Sixth Sense (1999)

" To which Osment replied, "No, I read the script three times.

الحاسة السادسة: كل ما تودين معرفته عنها وعن سر ارتباطها بالمرأة!
THE SIXTH SENSE is one of my favorite movies, and I think it is surely one of the best films of 1999
كيفية تقوية الحاسة السادسة
The Sixth Sense (1999)
Malcolm Crowe Bruce Willis , who is depressed because one of his former clients committed suicide because Crowe was unable to help him
So my friend and I decided to see THE SIXTH SENSE instead Not only did it turn out to be a better movie than BLAIR WITCH is, but it turned out to be one of my favorites
: I see dead people The burn victim woman Cole talks to at the end when Stanley walks in on him in the dressing room was presumably a teacher at the school

الحلقة الاولى من برنامج الحاسه السادسه

Olivia Williams does well as Anne Crowe, Willis' depressed wife, and Toni Collette does a great job as Lynn Sear, Osment's loving mother who is very concerned for her child.

الحلقة الاولى من برنامج الحاسة السادسة الموسم الثاني
Crowe is the boy's only hope
ما هي الحاسة السادسة
Third, director was surprised when he asked Osment if he read his part
الحاسة السادسة جزء حقيقي من المخ
Crowe spends a lot of time with the boy much to the dismay of his wife