The History The Fahrenheit scale was developed by Daniel Fahrenheit who born in the year 1686 and lived until 1736
The proper way to use the word, then, is not "100 degrees Kelvin" but "100 kelvin Taking Temperatures Temperature is important! For instance many US sites will omit the Celsius temperature

42 CFR § 425.312

For more on how to manage your temperature, take a look at this.

Convert 425 Fahrenheit to Celsius
How to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit To convert a recipe that calls for degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit you should multiply degrees Celsius by 9, divide by 5, then add 32
42 CFR § 425.312
Indeed, if you're involved in the sciences, you probably use kelvin
What's the Easiest Way to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius?
If you're from the United States, you're probably accustomed to describing temperature by Fahrenheit
Another simple conversion method from C to F is to double the celsius, subtract 10%, add 32 However, this too was adjusted for accuracy from the original 96 degree °F to 98 degree °F
It'll make short work of all your temperature conversions If you're from almost anywhere else, you likely favor Celsius, where 0 degrees is only pretty cold, 50 degrees is unspeakably hot, and 100 degrees happens on a stove, not outside

42 CFR § 425.312

Even thermometers used in Canada show reading on both Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.

425 F to C (425 Fahrenheit to Celsius)
How to convert 425 Celsius to Fahrenheit? How to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius To convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, you will need to subtract 32 to the Fahrenheit temperature, multiply by 5, then divide by 9
Oven Temperature Conversions
Further down the page you can find and that are very useful if you are holidaying in those countries
425 fahrenheit to celsius. Convert 425 fahrenheit to celsius
In the UK certain unregulated sectors including journalism, follow no fixed pattern and references to both scales appear together or side by side in the written material