Needless to say, this article was written before publication אhe decision in the UK, followed by the entire European bloc, to consider the failure to sell Shawarma due to phosphate levels a good example is the blanket ban, according to Bussche et al I give my opinion in lieu of testimony in court, and hereby declare that I am well aware that in the case of criminal law regarding false testimony in court, this opinion is signed by Expert on product safety Siliphos of fertilizers and chemicals I was asked by a fertilizer and chemicals company to do an expert chop on product safety Siliphos in light of recent publications on product toxicity, including being a cancer cause
The curves were determined using measurements of a series of phosphorus reference solutions concentrations were as follows: 0 Certified Public Health MPH on behalf of The Hebrew University and Hadassah Jerusalem


Living cells use the ATP phosphorus compound to generate energy.

It releases into the stream of water including drinking water for home use a tiny amount of phosphate phosphorus at a concentration of 1-3 mg per liter
Unlike the residents of the separate houses, residents of the large buildings were generally unaware of the chemical treatment of their water and had no information on water softening
Estimation of phosphorus exposure in drinking water
I give my opinion in lieu of testimony in court, and hereby declare that I am well aware that in the case of the Criminal Code regarding false testimony in court, this opinion is valid when it is duly signed by a witness in oath in court Prof
As Slovenia has no relevant data on drinking water concentrations and phosphate concentrations in drinking water, sampling was carried out nationwide In pregnancy, you may even want to increase your phosphorus intake


Among the authorities who have determined that the Silipus is approved for use are also: The National Sanitation Foundation NSF in the United States The National Health and Medical Research Council in Australia Japan Drinking Water Treatment Association Health Ministries in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, China, Singapore, and more Siliphos has been approved for use in Israel, too, according to a letter from Professor Gary Winston, chief toxicologist at the Department of Environmental Health at the Ministry of Health.

The product is a polyphosphate of sodium, calcium and magnesium and silicate
Moreover, more than half 70% of the survey participants did not know the exact water softening data
Why does a standard character require drinking water to enrich up to 10 mg of phosphates? Usually, only hot water is softened before entering the water heater , so only hot water samples were taken for chemical analysis