National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke "The Extracranial Vascular Theory of Migraine — A Great Story Confirmed by the Facts"
Acute treatment of migraine in adults Burstein R, Cutrer MF, Yarnitsky D 2000

ما هي الشقيقة وعلاجها

"Vascular Surgery for Chronic Migraine".

علاج الشقيقة بـ ١٠ وصفات ستغنيك عن أي دواء
mayoclinic - Migraines: Simple steps to head off the pain• National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
هل يمكن علاج الشقيقة بالأعشاب؟
healthline - 10 Natural Ways to Reduce Migraine Symptoms• "Sensitization of meningeal sensory neurons and the origin of headaches"
علاج الصداع النصفي منزليًا وبطرق بسيطة
Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of migraine in adults
Tfelt-Hansen P; Lous I; Olesen J medicalnewstoday - Everything you need to know about migraine• NHS : United Kingdom National Health Service - Treatment -Migraine
"Prevalence and significance of muscle tenderness during common migraine attacks"

أعراض الشقيقة وعلاجها... كل جديد برأي طبيب

Strassman AM, Raymond SA, Burstein R 1996.

طرق طبية ومنزلية في علاج الشقيقة وأسبابها
webmd - Home Remedies for Migraines• "The development of cutaneous allodynia during a migraine attack"
علاج الشقيقة بالأعشاب وطرق اخرى سريعة للعلاج
FDA approves new treatment for patients with migraine
صداع نصفي
medicalnewstoday - What are some tips for instant migraine relief? ABC's of headache trigger management