A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven Our souls are hardened of pain on hearing of the unfair disappearance, we knew, appreciated and admired, God rest his soul
I offer my prayers to you and your family that it may ease and lighten the grief in your hearts Please receive our condolences; we are behind you in this

ترجمة 'العزاء'

Although we do not know the details, we want you to know that we are thinking about you in your bereavement.

ستاتيات واقتباسات ورسائل تعزية حزينة بالانجليزي
May our friendship and prayers ease you through this difficult time
تعزية بالانجليزية مترجمة
I will do my best to assist you in this time of grief, in any way that I can
We join our friends with thoughts of comfort in helping them get over the immense void left behind by the loss of their beloved father
A prayer, a flower, a candle and sad tears of pain on your grave, our dear grandfather• May her soul rest in peace, I believe that God will accept her with open arms for all the good she has done while she was on this earth I will never forget his kindness
Through us and in us, their legacy leaves on I give my condolences to the entire family

ادعية بالانجليزي مترجمة 6 نماذج

I loved too much and I lost.

رد على تعزية بالانجليزي
رسائل تعزية بالانجليزي
In such moments the words would be superfluous
عبارات تعزية ومواساة
I was so sorry to hear of your loss
Remembering you and Louise in our minds and in our hearts My condolences to the entire family
A person who departs from his earthly life never really leaves because they are and forever be alive in our hearts May the Lord God give you and the rest of your family the much needed serenity during this sorrowful time

رد على تعزية بالانجليزي

A beautiful soul, full of love and faith, ascended to heaven, away from us, but closer to God, leaving loneliness and sadness.

عبارات تغزية بالانجليزي مترجمة 2015 مكتوبة
May the love and mercy of our Lord be bestowed upon you and your family during this unfortunate time
We stand by our uncle, in a time where his beloved wife passed away
ستاتيات واقتباسات ورسائل تعزية حزينة بالانجليزي
I know he was a fine man and that his absence will be felt by many people