In rare instances, when a comma replaces a period full stop in a quotation, or when a quotation otherwise links two independent sentences:• In the , a semicolon is most commonly used to link in a single sentence two independent clauses that are closely related in thought The semicolon is permitted in in the file systems and , but not in its
In the above examples, two statements are placed on the same line; this is legal, because the semicolon separates the two statements An influential and frequently-cited study in this debate was , which concluded strongly in favor of semicolon as a terminator: "The most important [result] was that having a semicolon as a statement terminator was better than having a semicolon as a statement separator

علامات الترقيم: الفاصلة المنقوطة ؛

[ ] Usage [ ] The most common use of the semicolon is to join two independent clauses without using a conjunction like "and".

فاصله منقوطه
The semicolon, as a mark separating statements, corresponds to the ordinary English usage of separating independent clauses, and gives the entire program the gross syntax of a single ordinary sentence
الفرق بين الفاصلة والفاصلة المنقوطة
This is sometimes called the "super comma" function of the semicolon:• In Arabic, the semicolon has several uses:• English [ ] Although terminal marks i
*تعرف على كيفية إستخدام الفاصلة المنقوطة ( ؛ ) والفاصلة الـعاديَّة ( ، ) في اللغة العربية ..*
In and , the semicolon can be used as a row separator when defining a vector or matrix whereas a comma separates the columns within a row of a vector or matrix or to execute a command silently, without displaying the resulting output value in the console
The semicolon is one of the least understood of the , and so it is probably not used by many Henley, Jon 3 April 2008
Humez, Alexander; Humez, Nicholas 2008-10-02 Proceedings of the international conference on Reliable software

الفرق بين الفاصلة والفاصلة المنقوطة

Some guides recommend separation by a.

*تعرف على كيفية إستخدام الفاصلة المنقوطة ( ؛ ) والفاصلة الـعاديَّة ( ، ) في اللغة العربية ..*
" The study has been criticized as flawed by proponents of semicolon as a separator, due to participants being familiar with a semicolon-as-terminator language and unrealistically strict grammar
فاصله منقوطه
In some cases the distinction between a separator and a terminator is strong, such as early versions of Pascal, where a final semicolon yields a
فاصلة منقوطة
MacIntyre, Ben November 19, 2005
Disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit in this State The semicolon divides the items on the list to more discrete parts, without which the remaining jumble of commas could cause confusion for the reader
A statement, which is a string of characters, is always terminated by the special character, semicolon The first rule: do not use semicolons

فاصلة منقوطة

The file system of and , , uses semicolons to indicate a.

فاصله منقوطه
I went to the basketball court; I was told it was closed for cleaning
إختصارات الكيبورد
Semicolon — The Past, Present, and Future of a Misunderstood Mark
إختصارات الكيبورد
Several fast food restaurants can be found within the following cities: London, England; Paris, France; Dublin, Ireland; and Madrid, Spain