73 will protest, and you can explain that if he does not want it done to him he must not do it to others | To begin with self-respect: some men live from within, while others are mere mirrors of what is felt and said by their neighbours |
However, as I find Russell incredibly readable whatever the topic this wasn't too much of a problem! and "All through youth slightly older people continue to have a special use in teaching--not formal teaching, but the sort which occurs outside working hours" 145 | Cheif virtues for children "curiousity, open-mindedness, beief that knoweldge is possible through difficult [sic], patience, industry, concentraion, and exactness |
"Throughout education, from the first day to the last, there should be a sense of intellectual adventure" 203.
29"Education of young children would be very difficult is they did not desire the good opinion of their parents" 63 | Sidebar: who knew that Russell was married and had children? Courage must not be confounded with brutality |
Contrast the intense seriousness of Robinson Crusoe | The future still looks bleak in the realm of child education and the reformers at best are mostly misled politicians, activists and deluded beings |
this is a great misfortune to themselces, since it entails at best boredom and at worst melancholia" 49.