73 will protest, and you can explain that if he does not want it done to him he must not do it to others To begin with self-respect: some men live from within, while others are mere mirrors of what is felt and said by their neighbours
However, as I find Russell incredibly readable whatever the topic this wasn't too much of a problem! and "All through youth slightly older people continue to have a special use in teaching--not formal teaching, but the sort which occurs outside working hours" 145 Cheif virtues for children "curiousity, open-mindedness, beief that knoweldge is possible through difficult [sic], patience, industry, concentraion, and exactness

في التربية by Bertrand Russell

"Throughout education, from the first day to the last, there should be a sense of intellectual adventure" 203.

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Yet that is what heartless sentimentalists used to do by talking to the child about the joys of childhood
أفضل جامعات بريطانيا في ادارة الأعمال
"After fiteen or sixteen, it is good for boys and girls to have a certain chare in parent occupations and anxieties--not too much, it is true, since that would interfere with education, but still some, lest they fail to realize that the old people have their own life, their own interests, and their own importance" 230 "The reason reason for lecutres is that they are obvious work, and therefore bsuiness men are willing to pay for them
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Include that he is being asked to do something disagreeable to please you, and he will have a psychological resistance
"Education of young children would be very difficult is they did not desire the good opinion of their parents" 63 Sidebar: who knew that Russell was married and had children? Courage must not be confounded with brutality
Contrast the intense seriousness of Robinson Crusoe The future still looks bleak in the realm of child education and the reformers at best are mostly misled politicians, activists and deluded beings

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this is a great misfortune to themselces, since it entails at best boredom and at worst melancholia" 49.

نظام راسل التعليمي؛ أهدافه، مميزاته، التسجيل في نظام راسل
He assures us that these methods work since they have worked on his children
في التربية by Bertrand Russell
It should be part of education to fire pupils with desires not easily gratified - to know the calculus, to read Homer, to perform well on the violin, or what not
نظام راسل التعليمي؛ أهدافه، مميزاته، التسجيل في نظام راسل
The commonest of these is love, more particularly parental love