The Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver UUCV is an energetic congregation of around 250 members We believe that EVERYONE has the right to accessible, affordable fitness and wellness - and finally it's right down the block from you!
But as writer Rebecca Solnit says, "perfectionism is a stick with which to beat the possible We make it easy for you to rent a space to meet with your clients or offer classes locally and affordably - and we are committed to you ALWAYS making more per hour than you would anywhere else - FLIPPING THE MODEL! You can view protocols developed by the Task Force below


Look in for information about how to live-stream it.

The atmosphere is great, the gym is always clean and the staff are super kind
This plan, when adopted by the board, will help guide the staff when fielding questions from congregants about what can be done how and when
Until a full reopening plan is in place, the Task Force has developed and the Board of Trustees has approved several protocols for working on the church property and how to safely host in-person, small group gatherings
I think the concept of creating a gym for trainers to bring their clients there, is such a fantastic idea! Based on recommendations of the Task Force, some protocols for essential tasks in the building and on the grounds have already been adopted by the board The COVID-19 Task Force is a group of UUCV Volunteers with some medical background, who have been asked to advise the church leadership on decisions about how the church should function during the pandemic
We support social justice, humanitarian, and environmental causes As such, UUs have a diversity of beliefs, and may consider themselves humanists, atheists, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, pagan, mystics, or spiritual


The place is run very professionally and the equipment and facilities are top notch.

You can find the most up to date information about church or by calling the church and listening to the message on extension 6
Information about our current weekly livestream service is located in the
It is an advisory body only, and as such final decisions will be made by the current leadership, including board and staff
We welcome all people to our liberal religious community, where we draw spiritual meaning from a variety of religious traditions Listen to previous sermons on our page or read them on our page
I come to Tel Aviv 2-3 times per week and coach as a personal trainer at FITHOOD The Task Force is currently working to develop a plan for eventual re-opening that we can implement when conditions change


We will not be gathering in the Sanctuary.

FITHOOD is committed to inclusive communities that share the goals of feeling good and feeling well while supporting our local professionals and businesses - together we're stronger! At this time, all staff are telecommuting and all worship services are held virtually
Finally a place that let's professionals do their thing - be the best at their sport or craft
We hold one livestream worship service each Sunday at 10:30 am