Grand Cross of the , 1869• Debts [ ] These developments — especially the costly war with Ethiopia — left Egypt in deep debt to the European powers, and they used this position to wring concessions out of Ismail In the following decades Arabic would further expand and eventually replace Turkish in the army and administration, leaving Turkish only to be used in correspondence with the Ottoman Sultan in Constantinople
372 , retrieved 2018-01-06 — via runeberg Morrow, Lance 31 March 1986

الخديوي توفيق

Grand Cross of the , 1869• But at length the inevitable financial crisis came.

, Almanach Royal Officiel in French , 1864, p
الخديوي إسماعيل
In October, and Joubert made a further investigation, which resulted in the establishment of Anglo-French control over finances and the government
الخديوي إسماعيل
The result was the establishment of the
Suez Canal [ ] cartoon featuring Isma'il Pasha during his visit to Britain in 1867 Ismail's khedivate is closely connected to the building of the Isma'il Pasha Statue in Alexandria, Egypt One of his most significant achievements was to establish an assembly of delegates in November 1866
Ismail launched vast schemes of internal reform on the scale of his grandfather, remodeling the customs system and the post office, stimulating commercial progress, creating a industry, building the cotton industry, building palaces, entertaining lavishly, and maintaining an and a theatre Here Ismail occupied regions originally claimed by the Ottomans when they had established the province eyaleti of Habesh in the 16th century

الخديوى اسماعيل

Grand Cross of the , 1869• Much of the money went for the construction of the Suez Canal.

هوشيار قادين
In March 1876 Ismail's army try again and suffered a second dramatic defeat a by Yohannes's army at
Isma'il Pasha
He launched a vast building project that saw Egypt and Sudan rise from having virtually none to the most railways per habitable kilometer of any nation in the world
There he remained, more or less a state prisoner, until his death