Edward FitzGerald, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Ed
Clolorado State University, , Colorado: Clolorado State University, Page 1-2 Christopher Decker, University of Virginia Press, 1997 , xv; "The Saljuq Turks had invaded the province of Khorasan in the 1030s, and the city of Nishapur surrendered to them voluntarily in 1038

احتياجات الخيل

Cambridge University Press 1975 : Richard Nelson Frye• Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, 5 3 , 467—473.

كم سنة يعيش الحصان
Thus Omar Khayyam grew to maturity during the first of the several alien dynasties that would rule Iran until the twentieth century
دعوة عمر بن الخطاب الرياضية: علِّموا الأجيال الرياضة
, Omar Khayyam: astronomer, mathematician and poet, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
حل نص الاستماع الخيول عربي سادس فصل ثالث
Penerbit UTM July 2000 : Mohaini Mohamed• The Earliest Account of 'Umar Khayyam
Leonhardt, , VIRGINIA: West Virginia Department of Agriculture, Page 42 Peter Avery and John Heath-Stubbs, The Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam, Penguin Group, 1981 , 14; "These dates, 1048—1031, tell us that Khayyam lived when the Saljuq Turkish Sultans were extending and consolidating their power over Persia and when the effects of this power were particularly felt in Nishapur, Khayyam's birthplace
Mehdi Aminrazavi, The Wine of Wisdom: The Life, Poetry and Philosophy of Omar Khayyam, Oneworld Publications 2007• in Browne 1899:409f or in Munis al-ahrar Ross 1927:436 Cassie Wycoff, , USA: Livestock and Forage Agent, Page 2

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عمر الخيام
كم مدة حمل الفرس