It protects against cancerous diseases, treats impotence in men and helps regulate ovulation in women, strengthens the immune system, protects against respiratory diseases, and treats colds and influenza Sidr Kashmiri Honey is the best natural honey ever produced by bees who feed on the flowers of Sidr trees in the mountains of Kashmir
A product rich in natural antioxidants that are more than 18 times the antioxidants found in other types

Sidr Kashmir Mountain Honey

Sidr mountain honey and its benefits, which are prescribed for skin diseases, and also treat anemia because it is rich in iron, it is the best food for children as a natural sweetener that provides them with proteins and minerals.

عسل سدر كشميري فاخر
ايهما أفضل العسل الكشميري أو البشاوري
فوائد العسل الكشميري

فوائد العسل الكشميري


ايهما أفضل العسل الكشميري أو البشاوري
ايهما أفضل العسل الكشميري أو البشاوري