Although they are extroverts, ENTPs reject small talk — and may not thrive in social situations 16 Personality Types Everyone wants to learn about themselves
This personality types relishes the opportunity to discuss theories and facts in extensive detail, needing little encouragement to set the world to rights This can be troublesome, for the individual themselves and those around them

الأنواع الشخصية الستة عشر (وخصائصها)

Our TypeExplorer personality test shows you what it means to be you.

Personality Tests of Myers & Briggs' 16 Types
Try the TypeFinder for the Workplace yourself, or learn how to
أنواع الشخصية الـ 16 (وخصائصها) / شخصية
This makes this among the most warm and kind-hearted personality types
Personality Tests of Myers & Briggs' 16 Types
The Giver — ENFJs are eternal people-pleasers
The Champion — ENFPs have an Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Perceiving personality INFJs favor substance and depth in the way they think
This personality type can become lost in their imagination and daydreams Picture a workplace where your team members perfectly understand what motivates, inspires and delights each other


ESFPs are thoughtful explorers who enjoy learning — and sharing what they learn with others.

"Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to Study Managers: A Literature Review and Research Agenda"
الأنواع الشخصية الستة عشر (وخصائصها)
The Idealist — INFPs, like most introverts, are quiet and reserved
16 Personality Types Overview
ENTPs are intelligent and knowledgeable, and as a result they need to be constantly mentally stimulated