It's the Ancient Arab way of keeping track of the seasons even though they use a lunar calendar, because a certain "lunar station" always corresponds to a certain time of the solar calendar Arabs associate Pleiades with good luck, especially when comparing it to the lunar station immediately after it, Aldebaran
See the comments below for an interesting excerpt from Al-Kisaa2i's "Tales of the Prophets It is they who will be given dominion over Gog and Magog, who will be destroyed by them

تحميل اغنية يشبهك قلبي

On each tail are three hundred and sixty poisonous quills.

كلمات يشبهك قلبي
The inhabitants of this earth are a nation called Jilla, and they have no eyes, hands or feet but have wings like bats and die only of old age
اغنية اصيل هميم يشبهك قلبي Mp3 استماع وتحميل اغاني مجانا 2021
The words Al-Kasaa2i used sounded distinctly Hebrew, so I looked up if there was a Jewish conception of "seven earths," and sure enough, I found this mention of "Arqa," "Haraba," and "Heled": Google keeps correcting me to "seven heavens" instead of "seven earths," though, so it does seem that both Jewish and Muslim sources have much more to say about the seven heavens than the seven earths
شات يشبهك قلبي شات عراقي شات العراق شات عزف الناي شات صوتي دردشة العراق
[Great Books of the Islamic World, Inc
The inhabitants are a nation called Hajla, who are numerous and who eat each other Muslim believe we occupy the first of seven earths, and look up to see the first of seven heavens, that God created
8-9 Well, the Quran has a few words that hardly seem to occur elsewhere in Arabic literature, like sijjin, for example, and throughout history, Muslim exegetes have attempted to decipher such cryptic references by drawing from pre-Islamic traditions The inhabitants thereof are a nation called Qays, who eat dirt and drink mothers' milk

يشبهك قلبي

Pleiades is used in Arabic figuratively to refer to that which is really out of reach.

Aseel Hameem
Three of the names Vilon, Raki'a, Ma'on are used by both Muslim and Jewish sources
اغنية اصيل هميم يشبهك قلبي Mp3 استماع وتحميل اغاني مجانا 2021
Pleiades is one of the twenty-eight "lunar stations" that Arabs consider the moon to go through throughout the year
كلمات اغنية يشبهك قلبي اصيل هميم
That said, Muslim scripture does state that there is a huge angel who dips his foot in and out of the sea to induce high and low tide, that genies sleep in our nostrils when we sleep and wee into our mouths when we yawn, and that a group of Israelites who broke the Sabbath were turned into apes and swine, so it's not completely out of character for Muslims to believe in extraordinary creatures whose surreal world is superimposed onto our own but with whom we can't interact and of whom no trace can be perceived by us except in prescribed ways