One of the important message of the chapter is brotherhood and is essential to build a moral and ethical Islamic society | " Fundamental Islamic society motto is the believers are nothing else than brethren |
Al Hujurat: 10 Terjemah Per Kata Berikut ini terjemah per kata Surat Al Hujurat ayat 10 | Yakni Tafsir Ibnu Katsir, Tafsir Al Munir, Fi Zilalil Quran, dan Tafsir Al Azhar |
Demikian terjemah per kata dan isi kandungan Surat Al Hujurat Ayat 10.
The current title of this article is | It is suggested that the verse refers to the necessity of reforming between religious brothers |
Pertikaian bisa terjadi bahkan di antara dua orang yang beriman | Termasuk dalam mendamaikan dua orang yang bertikai |
Theme of Al-Hujurat chapter [ ] The verses of Al-Hujurat is about behavior of Muslims in their community and teaches good and manners.