In order to make tax deductible donations through these offices you will need to donate through their individual websites Laws regarding contributions to United Nations agencies vary from country to country
We are, however, able to issue a receipt of donation from UNHCR international that may be accepted in certain instances

كيفية دفع زكاة الفطر عن طريق الراجحي

UNHCR does, however, partner with dedicated fundraising associations in a number of countries as well as having country specific offices with their own fundraising capacity.

المتجر الخيري
These countries include the USA, Germany, Spain, Japan, Australia, Italy, Canada, UK, South Korea, Hong Kong and Belgium
إخراج زكاة الفطر مالاً
We would suggest that if in doubt you contact your local tax advisor for guidelines on whether your gift is eligible or not
إخراج زكاة الفطر مالاً

مغتربون ولا يعرفون الفقراء جيدا ، فهل يخرجون زكاة الفطر في بلد آخر


خطوات وطريقة دفع زكاة الفطر عبر مصرف الراجحي وقيمة زكاة الفطر هذا العام
يجوز دفع زكاة الفطر من الطعام أو قيمته نقداً
دفع زكاة الفطر اون لاين السعودية