We were not able to sight the Hilal the crescent moon through naked eyes, binoculars, and telescope It took a few minutes for the moon to disappear behind the distant mountains before the actual moonset listed for Blacksburg at 9:22 pm
The first optical aided sighting of Venus was at 8:35 pm However, I could manage to confirm the position of the moon using enhancing technics and managed to image the New Invisible Moon, which is obviously not called the crescent moon

موعد رمضان 2021

Crescent observation was done by members of the Astronomical Society of Brunei Darussalam.

هل تم رؤية هلال شوال في السعودية
On today May 12, 2021 the new crescent was not
السعودية.. المحكمة العليا تدعو إلى تحري رؤية هلال شوال
Muhammaf Yusuf from Bosscha Observatory at Lembang Bandung West Java Indonesia
موعد أول أيام عيد الفطر 2021 في السعودية فلكيا.. الهلال لن يرى
I could easily observe the wide crescent with the imaging system while doing experiments with a new design
sighted because the sky was totally cloudy Hari Sumarsono from YMPIS, and ustadzah Namik, ustadzah Sirikit Eko Usdiani and ustadzah Mujiningsih as teachers at PPMI Assalaam
The moon at daytime was captured by mr I could also see it visually through the telescope at 50x magnification

موعد أول أيام عيد الفطر 2021 في السعودية فلكيا.. الهلال لن يرى


رؤية هلال شوال 1442 السعودية
Venus was visible at daytime
مركز الفلك الدولي
The daytime new moon was captured by mr
نتيجة رؤية هلال شوال 2021 والاستطلاع.. موعد أول أيام عيد الفطر المبارك 1442 فلكياً الخميس
In the absence of clouds, I could have sighted Venus much earlier even with naked eye as I did last evening at 8:29 pm